2000 March of Dimes On/Off RoadRally Held in Antigo, WI. (Landglade County Fairgrounds) September 9-10, 2000 For rules, information and pledge sheets call PHONE: (800)747-3463 FAX: (608)838-6661
EVENT FEE $10 per vehicle - $5 discount if a member of… * the Wisconsin 4 wheel Drive Assn. * the Mid West 4 wheel Drive Assn. * the United 4 wheel Drive Assn.
MINIMUM PLEDGE $65 per vehicle. It is highly recommended that pledges be collected prior to the rally and brought submitted when registering.
ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE * Non-removable hard top or roll bar * Seat belt for every passenger * Fire extinguisher * Street legal vehicle
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED * Tow hooks, front & rear * First aid kit * Co-driver
FRIDAY All Day Those camping or staying at a motel can begin setting up in the local area. 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Many gather around the main tent to swap tales and handshakes.
SATURDAY 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Register for Rally under the tent. Each participant will receive a patch and dash plaque. 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Limited registration for individual area-specific trail rides. 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Return from rally, usually takes from 4-6 hours. Pack a lunch for during the day. 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trophy presentation and door prizes presented. 8:30 pm - ???? Dance following afterwards. 10:00 pm Drawings for the numerous raffles prizes.
SUNDAY 9:00 am - 9:30 am Limited registration for individual area-specific trail rides. 9:30 am - 10:00 am Individual trail rides leave. Be prepared, fueled up and ready to go. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Most individual trail rides return back to the main area.
Participants turning in their full pledge amounts the day of the rally will be able to pick the prize up that cooresponds to the amount of pledges they have gathered. (based on the 1998 rally - prizes may differ)
$3,000 Video Camera $2,500 Yashica zoom camera $2,000 Craftsman 120pc. Tool kit $1,500 Koss portable CD player $1,000 40 channel hand held CB $750 Tasco 10x50 binoculars $500 Camping picnic table $350 12 foot jumper cables $250 3-cell Mag-Lites $150 Road rally sweatshirt/Tree saver
For every $100 in pledges paid on the day of the Rally you get 1 chance in a drawing for a Warn Winch, that will be given out Saturday night